energetisches technologiekonzept l clinx (1)


Energy efficiency and sustainable energy supply are topics which have been taken more seriously by all companies due to the rising energy costs and the renewed emphasis and commitment to the environment. Our range of consulting services is comprehensive — we not only analyze energy consumption and thoroughly evaluate your current energy supply, but we also develop a precisely customized and comprehensive energy technology concept.

We include sustainable energy generation by means of CHP technologies and other decentralized energy conversion technologies (e.g. solar energy, wind energy) at our sites. This is also known as “distributed energy generation” which is energy created at the site instead of energy delivered from the utility power plant. Upon request, we also evaluate storage technologies to address spikes in energy or to provide increased reliability. Our commitment is to completely evaluate your project and present all options to support you holistically to create a decentralized energy supply. This includes the following:

1. Comprehensive ACTUAL-Analysis of the energy situation of your company

2. Development of a holistic, customized distributed energy technology concept

3. Implementation of measures for decentralized energy generation

4. Adaptation and optimization in response to variable and changing needs

The project stages 1 and 2 represent the content of this offer. As a result of stage 2, the customer receives both the concept recommendation and an implementation plan with project stages. The implementation speed will be confirmed with the customer and the effects are examined both technologically (effects on the energy networks etc.) and on the economic side.

In the subsequent project stage 3, B+K acts as consulting engineers so that the performance of the specialist planners can be objectively evaluated and coordinated. We emphasize the importance of the implementation of a well-rounded concept, which is conducted in a coordinated manner during operation. This consulting service is not part of the initial offer.

Your company is subject to constant variation and the energy requirements could also change over time. Point 4 is not part of the initial offer. If the requirements change, we will check how the concept can be adapted and which measures can be applied from an economic point of view. We take into account technological developments that can achieve an advantage in efficiency.

Energy Efficiency & Energy Supply are topics of the future!

Your energy requirements are taken into account and will be adapted accordingly so that your resources can be perfectly utilized from an economic point of view. Learn more about our detailed Pre-Project Phase of your energy conversion »